Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), a member of the Lamiaceae family, typically grows to a height of 1-2 meters. It is sourced from the western hilly regions, where the temperate climate at altitudes ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 meters provides an ideal environment for its growth. Known for its evergreen, aromatic nature, rose-mary features distinct, needle-like leaves and vibrant blue flowers, flourishing in well-drained soil and sunny conditions. Rosemary is cultivated both for culinary and therapeutic uses, with its essential oil extracted from the leaves. The harvesting season for rosemary takes place from October to December, when the leaves reach their peak quality for extraction. The essential oil derived from this plant is cherished for its invigorating and healing properties.

  • Botanical Name Rosmarinus officialis
  • Distillation part of plant : Leaves
  • Main Constituents α-Pinene, Camphene, β-Pinene, Myrcene,
  • Local Name : Rosemary
  • Sourcing : Crop
  • Production Month : October-December
  • Production : Collect raw materials from farmers and distill at a company-owned distillery
General Properties
  • Aroma : Heady, Unpleasant
  • Notes : Base
  • Color : Colorless to Pale Yellow
  • Appearance : Fluid liquid

Available Quantity : 150gm to 100kg 

  • Improves Brain Function
  • Stimulates Hair Growth
  • Helps to ease stress
  • Reduces Joint Inflammation



Yolanda Cathcart

I have been a long time consumer of Annapurna Aroma essential oils.  I have purchased and loved the quality and integrity of the oils.  I have personally used Lemongrass, French basil, Corn-mint and Blue Chamomile.  On an energetic level the oils provide me with energy, clarity and peace of mind.  The aroma of the oils immediately makes me think of purity.  The oils have always been consistent and never appeared to smell off or oxidized.  As a company, I love the transparency and the ability to communicate easily.  Every question that I ever presented to the company was addressed in a timely manner.  May this company continue to move in a positive direction and may their oils help those that are in need of emotional support and wellbeing.

Audrey Lightfoot

“I’ve been working with Prasun Satyal for many years now originally buying their beautiful blue chamomile! I’ve purchased many other oils from them over the years because their company is trustworthy and they care about the quality of their oils.”

Christian Escriva and Odile Sallantin

La société ANNAPURNA AROMA produit des huiles essentielles de très grande qualité, cultivées en haute montagne (3000 m) dans des lieux préservés des pollutions avec un engagement en agriculture biologique. Le suivi de commande est très sérieux. Nous sommes tout-à-fait satisfaits de cette société et sommes désireux de continuer à collaborer avec ces communautés villageoises

Les Gérants
Christian Escriva and Odile Sallantin

The company ANNAPURNA AROMA produces essential oils of very high quality, cultivated in high mountains (3000 m) in places preserved from pollution with a commitment to organic farming. The follow-up of our orders is always very serious. We are very satisfied with this company and are eager to continue to collaborate with the village communities with whom they work.



© 2021, Annapurna Aroma Company Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Designed & Developed By: Annapurna Aroma