Prasun Satyal, MBS (Managing Director) Mr. Prasun Satyal will perform day-to-day duties in managing the financial and logistical operations in Nepal as well as ensuring quality production and extraction of essential oil. He is interested in researching new things and has experience in involving in different community works and social organizations. With a clear vision and focused on the sustainability of the company, he is able to lead massive growth which inspires and motivates others to take the company to the best level. He is the Secretary of the organization NEHHPA (Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association). He is an asset to our company as experienced business personnel with his numerous small-scale involvements in Nepalese commerce.
Prabodh Satyal, PhD is the Chief Scientific Officer of Aromatic Plant Research Center (APRC). He is originally from Nepal and moved to the United States to pursue research in essential oils at the University of Alabama, where he received his MS, Ph.D., and post-doctoral studies in essential oil research. Annapurna Aroma Pvt. Ltd was commenced from the suggestions and inspiration of Dr. Prabodh Satyal with his vision of providing and exporting pure and organic oils. His main goal is to produce and provide quality essential oils needed for various uses including but not limited to aroma-therapeutics, flavor and fragrance production, insecticide, and pesticides.
Mr. Paudel has 10+ experience in drug discovery, chemical biology, proteomics, and structural biology with high-impact publications. He played an integral role in the founding of Annapurna Aroma and will serve to assist Mr. Satyal in planning future endeavors. As the chief engineer, he will be designing and maintaining a distillation plant to automatize and maximize the extraction of essential oil. With his insight and understanding of the engineering and scientific aspect of essential oil production, efficient and high-quality products will be produced and distributed.
Nawaraj Karki is recently the chemist of the company and has good knowledge of electrochemistry, including Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), and Chronoamperometry (CA), as well Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and Gas. He has been assisted by Dr. Prabodh Satyal who is the scientific advisor of the company. His main role is to control the quality of the product and provide feedback on the essential oil which plays a pivotal role to increase the quality and mostly helps in the research analysis activities. Strongly believe in patience, persistence, and perspiration which leads to acquiring any kind of success.
Lex van Boeckel is specialized in market research and has conducted various projects in Nepal since 2013. His main goal is to increase the awareness of Nepalese essential oils and encourage direct sourcing that contributes to the sustainable development of the MAPs sector in Nepal. He has been working with Annapurna Aroma to facilitate access to the European market, particularly to France.
Mrs. Sushma Adhikari is currently the Purchase and Production Manager of Annapurna Aroma Pvt. Ltd since 2019. She joined the company as a Logistics Manager in 2013 and worked as an Office Manager from 2016 to 2019 in the company. She is a diligent, highly motivated person and always gives consistency to her work. Her main role in the company is to develop purchasing strategies, maintain positive relationships with suppliers and coordinate with internal teams regarding their supply needs.