Annapurna Aroma Company Pvt. Ltd. is an agriculture company that seeks to answer the question of how to best utilize our country’s valuable natural resources. As Nepal is known for its great range of natural resources, improving the social and economic standing of the rural population in diverse parts of Nepal is our priority. Annapurna Aroma is a company that specializes in the cultivation, contract farming, distillation, and processing of aromatic and medicinal plants from all over Nepal.
Annapurna Aroma aspires to be the pinnacle of extensive research into the characteristics of Nepalese aromatic plants growing in the Himalaya range, as well as the exploration of their therapeutic potential. Furthermore, we are working on the development of agro-technology for advanced scientific cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants that are of commercial importance to local farmers.
We currently offer a wide range of high-quality natural and pure essential oils that have all been scientifically evaluated. Aside from pure oil, we also have our own blends that are the result of extensive research. With a significant increase in distillation units, we were also able to increase sufficient products in a relatively short period of time.