Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor, or “essence,” of the plant from which they were extracted. Each essential oil has a distinct aroma due to the presence of unique aromatic compounds. Essential oils can obtained from different parts of the plants including the flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, stems, bark, wood, etc. and are obtained through distillation (via steam and/or water) or mechanical methods, such as cold pressing.
Essential Oil can be inhaled or diluted and applied to the skin. However, they are not meant to be swallowed. When absorbed, they may stimulate your sense of smell or have medical properties.
You can definitely get a sample according to the company’s policy and the availability of oils.
In general, we send samples of our oils when you request them, but you must submit your request in the PRODUCT AND DESCRIPTION box first. In most circumstances, sample requests are honored, however we cannot guarantee that all requests will be taken into account.
Decisions will be made based on the price of the oil, the size of the order, the customer’s history, and our relationship with them. It’s important to note that we use the “first come, first served” approach. Samples may be provided for free or at a fee, depending on management’s decision after considering many factors.
Till date we mostly use International Wire Transfer Information in United States Dollars (USD) through SWIFT, which is an advanced payment system.
However, Letter of Credit (LC) is another option.
In case of sample request we generally use Pay Pal account.
Processing, Shipping, and Returns
In most cases, orders are completed within three business days of receipt. It’s possible that large orders might take a slightly longer to process.
We process it as fast as possible. Stock items are usually dispatched within 7 business days after receiving the order.
If you provide your email address and your product is sent via DHL, you will receive an email with your shipment’s tracking number. After that, you’ll be able to track the progress of your shipment.
Yes, you can place a pre-order. Pre-ordering is typically done to get an oil that is currently out of stock or is not in the correct season of distillation.
The order is processed fast. You must cancel or amend your order within 12 hours of confirmation.
Our shipping charges are calculated depending on the weight of your order and the location to which it is being delivered. The charges vary depending on the form of shipment, the payment system used, and the current exchange rate.
We sell our products both nationally and internationally where there is a shipping facility without undermining the imported country’s legacy.
Yes. Generally, we favor bulk orders. We are pleased to inform you that bulk orders receive a significant discount.
Bubble rapper is majorly used for the packing of essential oils. In the case of a large order, the essential oils may be packaged in a safe wooden box with bubble rappers and sponges inside.
All the bulk oils are packed in special aluminum containers. The container has double sealed, so you have to break the seal separately. Please note that, the wooden box shouldn’t be kept inverted before opening the seal.
It is worth noting that we never compromise on product quality and are completely committed to customer satisfaction. We currently do not have a return policy. However, if there is a variation in the technical specifications as specified, we will provide a full refund with honor, including shipping charges. If there are any other issues, such as less weight, leakages, product mismatches, etc., your feedback is greatly appreciated, and we will do whatever you require right away.
You can contact us if you have any special requests for any essential oils that we do not currently offer. We will be grateful for the special orders and will make every effort to fulfill them. However, if your order is temporarily out of stock, there is a PRE-ORDER option available for you.
Yes, we are proud to say that our products are 100 percent pure, natural, and chemical-free because we promote chemical-free farming and place an emphasis on community, contract, and private forest farming. The best way to ensure the purity of each batch of oil is to use Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). In addition, we provide a Certificate of Analysis (COA).
The majority of our oils are wildcrafted and unsprayed. Chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides are not present in any of the oils we offer. This improves the soil’s and plant’s health and vitality, and the essential oils itself.
The price of essential oils is determined primarily by the amount of oil present in the plant and the ease with which the oil can be extracted from the plant.
On your request, we can provide MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). GCMS and COA can also be provided upon request, but they may vary depending on the lot, so we must provide you with that information on a lot-by-lot basis. In the event of a bulk order confirmation, we will also provide you with a TLC report that has been certified by a government agency (after order issue).
Of course, but you must notify us ahead of time. We will be at ease if you notify us of your visit within a week. In almost all cases, you must bear all of the incurred expenses on your own.
Yes, it is possible to purchase the product straight from the office.
Our office is in the prime location of Kathmandu (Santinagar, Newbaneswor). You can also search us either in Google map or can directly call us at 014107655.
Community Forest User Groups (CFUG) is a state-sponsored and community-based resource management organization that brings together individuals (representing families) to manage local forest resources.
CFUG Farmers get benefit from us because we create local employment opportunities. Local communities are becoming more aware of ideas such as entrepreneurship, gender equity, farming, and sustainable forest management, as well as related knowledge and skills; this has resulted in increased user unity, trust, and transparency.
Wild Crafted and Crop Production are the method of sourcing.
Plants that have been grown wild in nature without human intervention and collected according to wild crafting principles are considered wild crafted.
Crop production is when a plant is grown naturally on unpolluted ground without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.
Because most plants grow at high altitudes with fresh and clean mountain air, far away from densely populated and polluted areas, essential oils from Medicinal and Aromatic plants of Nepal differ from those sold in the mass market. As the quantities exported are small, plant resourcing is more manageable for a new export sector that requires further sustainable development.
The terms “natural” and “organic” may appear to be interchangeable, causing some confusion. However, there are some differences between the two.
“Organic” refers to the original state and method of processing, which excludes pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and genetically modified organisms. To ensure their authenticity, all of our products are labeled organic by CERES and USDA.
“Natural” implies it has been minimally processes and does not contain hormones, antibiotics or artificial flavors.