Sugandha Kokila (Cinnamomum cecidodaphne), also known as Malagedi or Telkaulo is a medium-sized tree that can grow to a height of 15–20 meters. It can be found in Nepal’s central and western districts, at elevations ranging from 1000 to 2500 meters.
Sugandha Kokila’s fruit (Berry), which is black in color and has a spherical shape, is the most beneficial portion of the plant. The scent of the essential oil is highly useful in cosmetic items such as soap and perfumes. Sugandha Kokila has a variety of therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, carminative, and anti-cold, stomach ache, and toothache relief.
Its harvesting season is from June to August.
Physical Properties:
Available Quantity: 150 gm to 100 K.G