French Basil (Ocimum basilicum), sometimes known as Thai basil or sweet basil, is a common name for the culinary herb , which belongs to the Lamiaceae (mints) family and is often referred to as Saint Joseph’s Wort in some places.
Depending on the species, the leaves have an anise-like aroma with a strong pungent scent that is largely sweet. The most popular basil kinds are annual, although some, such as holy basil, are perennial in warm tropical climates. It is well-known in Italian cuisine and plays a significant role in Southeast Asian cuisine, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Sweet basil is the variety commonly used in Italian cuisine. It is also known as the “King of Herbs” in the culinary world.
Its harvesting season if from June to July
Physical Properties:
Available Quantity : 150 gm to 100 K.G